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Support visual journalism on the climate crisis

SONDA Internacional is a non-profit media organisation: quality journalism is a public service that requires time and financial resources, but nowadays it is extremely difficult to turn it into a profitable business that can finance the costs involved in this work. That is why SONDA seeks to fund itself through donations, in order to maintain its independence, all while having the capacity to develop in-depth, on-the-ground international journalism.

The best way to support this project is to become a monthly patron.

We are not yet able to offer tax deductions on these donations.

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Right now SONDA has

239 members

The goal in 2024 is to exceed 400 members.

We welcome all donations with one time and reoccurring contributions always appreciated! It is the monthly and annual partners however, who drive the development of the project due to their fixed contributions which allow us to plan for the future. We are working to create a community interested in visual journalism and the climate crisis.

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Bank Transfer

If you prefer to make a bank transfer, you can do it to this account number:

ES46 2100 0963 6702 0040 4733Copy!

Holder: Asociación Sonda Internacional


You can send us your donation through Bizum to the following number:

666 666 666Copy!
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